Press Release: Rural tourism: the new sustainable trend funded by the European project EU RURAL TOURISM

Photo Press Release: Rural tourism:  the new sustainable trend funded by the European  project EU RURAL TOURISM

Public presentation of the project: "EU Rural Tourism". During the first meeting of the project partners in Venice (17-18 October 2022)

Today - 18 October 2022 - the European project EU RURAL TOURISM was presented in the
Council Chamber of the Municipality of Spinea. The project, which started on 1 September
and will last 2 years, aims to create a "rural tourism" Eurocluster. The cluster is a structure
that brings together public and private operators to promote different market sectors. In
this project, 6 European partners, through the Rural Tourism Eurocluster (ERT), will have the
objective of favouring companies in the sector with activities of: knowledge promotion,
market enlargement, lengthening tourist seasons and offering better services, while
developing environmentally friendly tourism in the area, offering innovative and attractive
tourist products, favouring environmental protection and job growth. To achieve these
objectives, the partnership obtained European funding of €1,263,500.00.

Rural tourism, ecotourism, agri-tourism and sustainable tourism respond to European and
global tourism demand trends, increased by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that generates
additional demand for similar services.

Traditionally based on local or regional demand, this sector now has the opportunity to
extend markets by working on a transnational basis thanks to the project's main objective,
which is the creation of a Rural Tourism Eurocluster - ERT. It combines the long-standing work
and experience of the project partners in the field of networking, information exchange,
training, etc. with the expertise, cross-sectoral background and existing projects in tourism,
environment and sustainability of the Venetian VENETIAN CLUSTER SRL, the Romanian agency
DE TURISMO SOSTENIBLE DE ARAGON and the Greek EURACADEMY association and the
associated partners Longarone Fiere Dolomiti and Ekoclub. The European project EU RURAL
TOURISM financed by the COSME programme of the European Union with the participation
of these 6 international partners obtains a funding of 1,263,500.00 €.

In this way, ERT offers a unique opportunity to increase activities and, at the same time, to
create a network of European rural tourism services in more than 15 countries, focused on
this form of collaboration in a transnational vision.

The overall objective therefore is to create the basic vision, objectives and operational
structure of a 'rural tourism' Eurocluster. In particular, it aims to strengthen and enhance
networking, innovation, training and internationalisation opportunities for participating SMEs
that will be directly supported by the ERT.

"Thanks to this project, companies related to the rural tourism sector will have the
opportunity to make themselves known, expand their market, lengthen tourist seasons, offer
better services, develop tourism that is compatible with the environment and residents, offer
innovative and more attractive tourism products, promote environmental protection and job
growth," says Mr. Gian Angelo Bellati - the Venetian Cluster president.

From international trends to local results, this project finds fertile ground especially in
expanding realities such as the municipality of Spinea. Councillor for the Environment Elia
Bettin - The Municipality of Spinea is particularly happy to participate in the realisation of this
project, which can bring considerable advantages to the development of enterprises in a
sector that will grow in the future in compliance with the environmental parameters
envisaged by the new European standards; the Municipality of Spinea therefore offers to host
enterprises and start-ups in the sector.

Speakers: Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Spinea - Edmondo Piazzi, Councillor for the
Environment - Elia Bettin, President of Venetian Cluster - Gian Angelo Bellati, Senior Project
Manager of Venetian Cluster - Dr. Maurizio Malè


Author:  Venetian Cluster