



English, Italian

Name of the Project

The Olive Grove Estate

Summary of the project

1) Online Marketing and Social Media: Engaging Content Creation: We will develop a content strategy that resonates with our target audience. This includes creating visually appealing content, such as videos and high-quality images, showcasing our culinary experiences, local ingredients, and the unique stories behind each dish. Targeted Advertising: We will invest in targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers who have shown an interest in culinary and experiential tourism. By utilizing data-driven insights, we can ensure our marketing efforts are cost-effective and yield high conversion rates. SEO Optimization: To increase our online visibility, we will optimize our website for search engines (SEO). This includes keyword research, on-page optimization, and regularly updating our content to reflect current trends and customer interests. Active Social Media Presence: We will maintain active and engaging social media profiles across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Regular updates, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and user-generated content sharing will help us connect with potential customers and foster a sense of community. 2) Digital Analytics and Customer Insights: Data Collection: We will implement digital analytics tools to collect valuable data on customer preferences, behavior, and feedback. This includes tracking website visits, click-through rates, and social media engagement metrics. Customer Surveys: Conducting customer surveys and feedback collection will be a key part of our strategy. This direct input will provide insights into customer satisfaction, areas for improvement, and emerging trends. Data Analysis: Our team will analyze the gathered data to identify patterns and trends. We will pay close attention to customer demographics, booking patterns, and popular culinary experiences. Tailored Experiences: The insights derived from data analysis will inform our decision-making process, allowing us to customize our culinary experiences to meet the evolving needs and desires of our target audience. We will introduce new experiences, menus, and features based on customer feedback. 3) Community Engagement: Local Partnerships: We will actively seek partnerships with local chefs, artisans, and cultural experts. Collaborative efforts will enable us to incorporate authentic elements of the region's heritage and traditions into our culinary experiences. Interactive Workshops: Local experts will be invited to conduct workshops and presentations during our culinary experiences. This not only adds educational value but also fosters a sense of community and appreciation for the local culture. Community Events: We plan to organize and participate in community events, food festivals, and markets to showcase our culinary offerings and actively engage with the local community.

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Target Group(s)

Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Families, Eco-Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Social-cultural skills (interaction with visitors from different cultural backgrounds)
Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Giacomo Urban and Tommaso Urban