Sedliacky dvor s.r.o.




Slovak, English, Dutch, German, French

Name of the Project

The Heritage Education Trail

Summary of the project

he Heritage Education Trail emerges as a distinctive product seamlessly blending the natural splendor of our camping location with the profound history, culture, and stories of the region. This trail is meticulously designed to offer campers and visitors an educational and immersive experience, establishing a meaningful connection with the surrounding natural environment while nurturing a profound appreciation for local heritage. By providing insights into the history, legends, and stories of the area, the Heritage Education Trail not only enriches the camping experience but also contributes to the preservation of the region's rich history. This unique product stands as a testament to the commitment to offering campers an educational journey that enhances their understanding of both the natural and cultural aspects of the region.

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Target Group(s)

Adventure Seekers, Cultural and Heritage Tourists

Digital Support Area(s)

Digitalization of processes in SMEs
Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Sustainable management practices for SMEs
CO2 management and reduction to address climate change

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Interpretation techniques for cultural, historical, natural resources
Experience generation for visitors (development of corresponding products)

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Slovak Association of Rural Tourism and Agritourism