Homestead Dvaro sodyba






Name of the Project

New culinary heritage menu based on local products

Summary of the project

The new gastronomic service offers a fresh approach to catering with a focus on a culinary heritage menu based on local products. In response to the growing demand for traditional dishes at events, the homestead owner is introducing a service that highlights the rich food traditions of the region. This culinary journey aims to provide customers with an authentic and locally inspired dining experience. Beyond satisfying the demand for traditional cuisine, the new service also aligns with sustainability goals. To support the homestead owner in launching and successfully implementing this service, various forms of assistance will be provided. This includes creating a tailored menu, aiding in the search for reliable local suppliers, facilitating contract negotiations with suppliers, determining pricing strategies, and implementing effective advertising. The comprehensive support extends to testing the service with customers and evaluating their reactions, ensuring that the gastronomic offering resonates well with the target audience and meets their expectations.

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Target Group(s)

Cultural and Heritage Tourists, Events and celebrations

Digital Support Area(s)

Digital marketing and promotion

Green and Sustainable Support Area(s)

Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains
Sustainable management practices for SMEs

Soft/Social Support Area(s)

Interpretation techniques for cultural, historical, natural resources

Collaboration with selected Assistance Service Providers (ASP)

Lithuanian Countryside Tourism Association