Financial Support to SMEs
We are preparing a public call for financial support to help you in 12 specific action and support areas which helps you to improve in digital, green and soft/social competences. This support will be available in at least 15 European countries yet to be defined.
Each selected rural SME receives funding for a service pack that consists of assisted self-evaluation, on-site advisory visit by a qualified expert, elaboration of an improvement plan, tutoring and mentoring during implementation of this plan and a final audit. It also includes participation at two national or regional meetings and a budget for personlized improvements such as creating a website, social media marketing or training.
The public call to benefit from this pack will be published by March 2023. Look out for it!
The support will cover at least the following 3 areas with 12 specific support topics. Additional topics may be covered depending on the country or region.
Digitalization of the processes in SMEs
Digital marketing and promotion
Marketing intelligence, data analysis, marketing strategy based on data
Sustainable management practices for SMEs
CO2 management and reduction to address climate change
Sustainable mobiliy
Gastronomy and food based on local supply chains
Social-cultural skills (attend visitors from different cultural background)
Experience generation for visitors (includes development of corresponding products)
Inclusive Tourism / Visitors with special needs
Integration with the local community
Interpretation techniques for cultural, historic, natural etc. resources